Noreen has been happily married to her husband for 36 years. She retired from being a Speech Therapist when she married in order to be a Mom. They have three children who were all homeschooled and are now adults. The family lived in Alaska for 20 years and then moved to Florida in 2007.
In January, 2019 a friend started telling Noreen about homeopathy. Her son got stung by wasps and she was appalled by the swelling of his hand and arm. Twenty-four hours after being stung, the swelling was so severe that you could not see the bones of his hand. It looked like a gloved hand on a cartoon character who blew through his thumb to inflate his hand! There was reddening that went up the arm. She gave him 2 or maybe 3 doses of Ledum 200C in the evening. In the morning, the hand was almost normal. At that point, Noreen was convinced that she needed to know what “these silly little white pills” were all about! That was when she found Joette and the Gateway courses. She has been studying ever since.
Noreen was privileged to be part of the Pioneer class of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy in 2022. She then attended Mastery, graduating in 2023. Since graduation Noreen has been teaching Gateway classes and protocol courses. In addition, she is one of Joette’s Discovery Ambassadors and an APH Study Group Advisor. Noreen continues to study homeopathy with Joette through her Mastermind program.
Noreen believes that we should love God first and love other people second. Her passion is to use homeopathy to help her family, her friends and her church. It is her opinion that the world desperately needs a sane form of medicine.
Noreen’s goal is to pass the torch of homeopathy to her children, her grandchildren, other people’s grandchildren, young Moms, and anyone else who has the open-mindedness to learn a better way.
1 Reviews on “Noreen Sumey”
Noreen always makes me feel that no question is a dumb question! I love how very down-to-earth she is and how well she knows Joette’s Practical Protocols and Courses, inside and out. She reminds me so much of my much-missed Grammie as she sometimes can be seen crocheting during some of our personal meetings. This makes me feel at ease to come as I am, and that she is not over me, but WITH me. Such a sweet blessing!