Heather Strickland is a dedicated Practical Homeopath, Mastery student, and Certified Health Coach. She lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband of 27 years and a very spoiled Aussiedoodle. Their adult son lives in Alabama where he likes the usual lack of snow!
With a passion for education and sharing knowledge, Heather thrives on teaching classes and empowering her students with the knowledge of homeopathy. She is deeply committed to supporting individuals both in group settings and one-on-one consultations, guiding them to become the healers in their family’s by discovering the gentle power of homeopathy.
Heather is also a partner in a business called Simple Hopeopathy, along with two other Phom’s. They have a podcast called “The Simple Hopeopathy Podcast” and are moving forward with their plans within their newly launched Membership Site. One of the biggest passions in her life is continuing to carry on the mission that all Practical Homeopaths are charged with-bringing homeopathy to families and caregivers all over the world!